District: Kishoreganj

8 record(s) found.

Accession No. Family Species/Sub-Species Name Local Name Collector Collection No. & Date Location Uses Note Image(s)
11330 Euphorbiaceae Chrozophora plicata (Vahl) A.Juss. ex Spreng. Mia & Mahfuz M-1648
Jangle bari, village., Kishoreganj, Karimganj, Bangladesh. An erect speading herb, flower light yellow, fruit triobed. on waste place.
16772 Rubiaceae Coffea bengalensis Mia et al M-1669
Karmganj, Kishoreganj, Bangladesh. A small spreading shrub upto 2 ft.. high, flower white, shady under growth.
11539 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia hirta L. Mia & Mahfuz M-1621
Jangle bari., Kishoreganj, Karimganj, Bangladesh. A small prostate herb, on roadside.
8433 Rosaceae Fragaria indica Mia et al 1710
Nayamatpur, Kishoreganj, Karimganj, Bangladesh. A small prostate herb, flower yellow, ripe fruit red, in moist shady place.
4377 Araceae Lasia spinosa (L.) Thwaites Mia & Mahfuz M. 1654
Karmganj Jangle bari, Village., Kishoreganj, Bangladesh.
15760 Myristicaceae Maesa indica Mia et al M. 1644
Karmganj Jangle bari village, Kishoreganj, Bangladesh. A Shrubby plant on high road side, flower white.
8397 Brassicaceae Rorippa indica (L.) Hiern MIa et all M. 1687
Poolghat saat Kahoon, Kishoreganj, Bangladesh. An erect spreading herb, up to one ft. high, flower yellow, waste place
13873 Malvaceae Sida acuta Burm.f. Mia & Mahfuz M. 1705
Pootghat saat kahoon, Kishoreganj, Bangladesh. An erect to spreading herb, flower yellow, road side.