District: Nilphamari

7 record(s) found.

Accession No. Family Species/Sub-Species Name Local Name Collector Collection No. & Date Location Uses Note Image(s)
24439 Euphorbiaceae Chrozophora rottleri Blume Huq, Rahman, Mia & Mahfuz H-9705
saidpur, Nilphamari, Saidpur, Bangladesh. A shrub by the roadside.
11412 Euphorbiaceae Croton bonplandianus Baill. Khan, Huq & Mia K-7502
saidpur, Nilphamari, Saidpur, Bangladesh. By the roadside, flowers white
14572 Cucurbitaceae Gymnopetalum cochinchinensis A.M. Huq 3015
Rangpur, Nilphamari, Saidpur, Bangladesh. A climber
14525 Cucurbitaceae Mukia maderaspatana Khan et al K. 7487
Nilphamari town area, Nilphamari, Bangladesh. A small climber. Flowers small, yellow. By the road side.
13854 Malvaceae Sida acuta Burm.f. Khan, Huq & Mia K. 7500
Nilphamari-saidpur, Nilphamari, Bangladesh. By the roadside flowers yellow.
13596 Tiliaceae Triumfetta sp. Khan, Huq & Mia K. 7472
Saidpur , Nilphamari, Bangladesh. By the roadside village, shrub
14078 Malvaceae Urena lobata L. Khan, Huq & Mia K. 7509
Saidpur , Nilphamari, Bangladesh. In an open field by the roadside.